So I was at Clinique about a week ago buying some new foundation. I noticed that my last foundation was too dark so the lady at the Clinique boutique was applying makeup to my skin to match up for the perfect color. After she applied it I noticed she had used a cotton ball. I actually thought nothing of it except, "thats really weird!"

But today I was home sick and didn't go to school and was home alone. I got really bored so I washed my face with my NEWEST acne system which by the way has worked so amazingly and Ive only used it for three days (but I'll talk about that some other time.) and moisturized my face and primed it and what not...then I began playing with my makeup because all morning i thought about that darn cotton ball idea.

so then i started to apply the foundation in dots all over my face and VERY gently started blending it in with my cotton ball (which i use regular size NOT jumbo). IT WAS SO AMAZING! it looked completely flawless. I honestly Dont think Ive ever used something that blended my foundation in so well and it is so easy and so quick and it leaves great coverage i barely had to put on concealer to cover my blemishes.
(and if you're wondering if the cotton ball absorbed the foundation I've got great news because IT DOESNT it makes like this barrier and you also dont get bits of cotton stuck to your face AS LONG AS YOU DONT APPLY the foundation directly onto the cotton balls. apply little dots, or a lot depend on your preferences, of foundation all over your face THEN grab a cotton ball and blend!)

ALL IM SAYING is that I highly recommend that you at least try it. maybe its just my skin, or my foundation. ALL I know is that it looked beautiful and I didnt feel like its was caked on or greasy it feels like there is nothing!
